The Artist and the large sculpture Sir Hare
The sculpture is made in corten steel. Available to order at almost any size.
Bowland Hare
The sculpture which was sited in the exhibition outside the Whitaker Museum and Art gallery Rossendale earlier this year – February – May is 3.6 m high.
Corten Steel
The hare has long been a creature of significance in Lancashire, celebrated in stories and superstitions. The Forest of Bowland in Lancashire continues to provide it a safe haven while numbers elsewhere are in decline through loss of habitat.
I started thinking about creating a large hare sculpture many moons ago, through a combined interest in folklore and landscape. I believe we still have a deep connection with animals, un-diminished by the fact that most of us live in towns and cities, and I look for iconic subjects for sculptures in folklore. Here we find stories that link us to places and images that continue to speak to us today.
The hare comes up as “familiar” (like Harry Potter’s owl) in several Lancashire sources, from that of the Pendle Witches to a ghost story from across Morecambe Bay. Learning of the importance of the hare in this landscape in terms of its natural history confirmed its significance and made me start thinking how fitting it would be as a subject for a large-scale public sculpture.
Exhibitions: Marjan Wouda
Genres: Sculpture
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