Marjan Wouda
Marjan Wouda was born in the North East of the Netherlands, where she grew up on her family’s small dairy farm. Initially working mainly in clay, Marjan started casting in bronze and other materials, working from originals in cardboard, clay or wax. She enjoys working in a huge range of scales, from the hand-held pieces in paper, wax, clay or wire, to the monumental – the latter often constructed in welded steel.
Alongside developing her own work exploring themes, ideas, and materials, Marjan has responded to and developed work for public spaces. Her pieces can be found in Hong Kong, The Caribbean, London, Greater Manchester, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and in green spaces in Yorkshire and many Lancashire locations.
Since 1996 Marjan has regularly exhibited in Amsterdam and in London. For a number of years a selection of small scale sculptures have been exhibited at Gavagan Art.
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Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda

Marjan Wouda