Vacation Landscapes
The varied landscape of the British Isles.

Vacation Landscapes 2021
As restrictions have eased in the United Kingdom many people are hoping to visit locations close to home or elsewhere in Britain, while others dream of more distant destinations. The varied landscape of the British Isles is a constant source of inspiration and a ready subject for artists. This exhibition presents art inspired by Britain’s diverse landscape by artists on our website, from the flat landscape of the Cambridgeshire fenlands, the orchards of Herefordshire, to islands off the west coast of Scotland.
This summer exhibition is an online only exhibition.

Contrasting Landscapes
Abstract painter and mixed media artist Terry Beard a regular exhibitor with us for a number of years, is based in Cambridgeshire and paints the low lying fenland where she now lives and works. In contrast to Terry’s large abstract canvases are a set of wood engravings by printmaker Kenneth Craddock (1911 – 1989). Kenneth was born in Bolton, but moved to Herefordshire to be Principal of Herefordshire School of Art in 1951. He depicts the lush countryside of Worcestershire and Herefordshire in his detailed images. His wood engravings often include the distinctive half – timbered black and white traditional buildings of north – west Herefordshire and the Welsh borders.

Kenneth Craddock’s daughter Adrienne Craddock who is also a printmaker, focuses on elements in the landscape in the selection of her mono prints included in this exhibition. Adrienne like her father takes her inspiration from the Herefordshire countryside where she now lives and works.
I apply ink to the surface of a plate using brushes or roller and draw into it with tools or a rag. I revel in the painterly quality of this process, capturing the energy of the mark making and creating a depth of colour.” Adrienne Craddock.

North Craven
As Gavagan Art has been based in the north of England for eleven years, a number of painters and printmakers represented on our site and in this exhibition are based in the counties of Yorkshire and Lancashire.
Included in this exhibition are the artists Katharine Holmes, Kitty North, Jacquie Denby and Frank Gordon who are all based in the Craven region of North Yorkshire, an area which has been attracting artists and writers since the eighteenth century.

Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria.
A set of drypoint prints by printmaker Brian Hindmarch are included in the exhibition. His prints seen here in the images below, are of the countryside and riverside of Lower Wharfedale near Otley, West Yorkshire. In contrast there are other prints by Brian inspired by the coastal landscape, beaches and mountains of the Isle of Harris and Colonsay.
We have also included a number of watercolour paintings of the Outer Hebrides by Norman Adams.
Lancashire based Milan Ivanic’s panoramic painting of the Priory at Cartmel unusually also includes the race course behind the Priory building. Other works by Milan are of aspects of both the Lancashire and Yorkshire countryside. Another Lancashire artist Maureen Grealy, concentrates on capturing the effects of light in the landscape.
Work available in this Exhibition
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