Mike Dodd - Large bowl
Mike Dodd - Large bowl

Mike Dodd

Mike Dodd was born in Sutton, Surrey in 1943. His first pottery was at Edburton near Brighton, Sussex in 1968. He moved to Hale Cornwall in 1975, and then to Cumbria, where he was Senior Lecturer and then Department Head at Cumbria College of Art. In  1994, he moved first to Dorset, then to Somerset where he has his current studio.

Teaching posts were held at a number of  Colleges of Art including: Farnham College of Art, Medway College of Art, Harrow College of Art, the Royal College of Art, Derby College of Art, Dundee College of Art, Manchester Polytechnic and Preston Polytechnic. ( Now – Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Central Lancashire) His work is represented in many public collections including: the Victoria and Albert Museum, the British Craft Council and Bath Study Centre.